Cam Slings

How it works - 

Download the order form, print and complete, save a copy for yourself and include a copy with your products to be re-slung.

Choose which slings to be fitted to your tools on the website.

(Dyneema/Nylon, reinforced eye, single, open loop, extendable loop) and add however many you need to the cart.

If you require something custom, please use 'contact us' email at bottom of site page.

This service is just for resligning, no checks, inspections, fixing nor cleaning will be done to your items.

Drop off -

The amazing folk at Climb On in Squamish are kind enough to offer drop off/pick up location.

Shipping - 

Please include return shipping label when you ship cams.

If not possible, add the product Canada Post flat rate box, whichever size fits, however it was sent is how it will be returned - Small, Medium, Large.


**Canada only**

Click here for options